Special May Coupon Code!

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While JK3D.us takes a small break during May (May 8th – 26th 2023) from shipping, I wanted to offer a gift for those who place an order during that time for the extra delay on shipping.

From May 8th – 26th, any order placed can receive a 15% discount off the entire cart (excluding shipping costs) by using the coupon code “MayBreak2023”.

This code will not be active until May 8th and expires on May 26th. This code can be used once per customer, but is not limited on order size or on any products. Inventory will be stocked up before the break so that when we start shipping again orders can be packed and shipped in short order.

If you want your item before June order BEFORE May 8th!

Shipping Delay in May

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JK3D will not be shipping orders from May 9th to the 29th 2023. This will be some time off, but also time to do maintenance on the machines, and overall tidy things up. Inventory will be updated, and orders will still be taken, but shipping will be delayed in that time period until May 29th.

If you want an order before June 2023, order BEFORE May 9th.

2023 Yamaha Tracer 9GT Seat Slope Mod

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Hi everyone! This last week I verified that the 2021+ Tracer 9GT Seat Slope mod works on the 2023 model. I have not confirmed compatibility with the 2023 GT+ though (the GT+ is supposed to use a different seat/Mount but that is TBD).

MT-09 Seat Slope Mod:
Talking about new models for the seat slope mod, I have shipped out a handful of prototypes for the MT-09 models, I have either not received feedback, or what I did was not great, so I am unsure on the viability of the mod for that bike currently. I have 1 more prototype set here I can ship out as of 3/28 but would prefer to ship it in the US if possible if someone wants to test on a 2021+ MT09. Email shop@jk3d.us if you are interested in testing it, but I will need feedback if you do.

Sapphire Lenses almost out of stock

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A delay in shipment this month has resulted in almost being out of stock of the sapphire lenses, I hope to have more in by the 2nd week of January at this point. Also note: No shipping will happen from 12/24 – 12/29. Happy Holidays everyone and thanks for a wonderful 2022! Stay tuned for a lot of new things coming from JK3D.us in 2023!

Happy Holidays!

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There are a number of holidays all over the world in the coming weeks and months. This year has been great at JK3D.us and I have really enjoyed making these parts for everyone, and also supporting the communities. There will be some small pauses in shipping coming up (11/24-27/2022, 12/3-7/2022, 12/23-26/2022) as we celebrate with friends and family.

I Hope everyone, all over the world, is able to spend time with family, friends, and reflect on this year!

JK3D.us server work

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Hey everyone, there was some emergency work done on the server that hosts JK3D.us on 10/6/2022.

If you have any issues placing an order please contact support@jk3d.us. A lot of testing was done to ensure everything is working properly, but reach out if you have any issues!