Small business and petty trade wars

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I really try to keep politics well away from my businesses, but with the events in the US in the last 2 weeks, I need to clarify something. The Trump administration polices of hurting our trade relations, undermining trust with our closest allies for nonexistent or fabricated disputes, and in general isolating the US from the rest of the world community… will harm small businesses more than anyone else.

He does this while also enriching the already rich and large businesses that can sidestep or even profit off these manufactured crises. I fear for what it is going to look like for my business which primarily sells internationally (about 60% of my sales are to other countries), and across the entire supply chain, and other businesses across the country.

Filament, replacement parts, hardware, labels, shipping material, tools… all have some ties to sources outside of the US. This sucks. It was bad enough seeing the administration target and harming US citizens and the poor out of spite, and now seeing this broad attack on small businesses is just his expanding attack on anyone and everyone who is not one of his billionaire friends.

The world and the victims of Trumps policies in the US need to stick together and support each other as much as we can to hopefully survive until logic and reason return to US policy making. I am especially sorry for our Canadian and Mexican friends who are going to bear the brunt of this outside of the US immediately it seems.

International Shipping Improvements

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Hey everyone! Happy 2025!- Since the majority of what I sell is going overseas, and international shipping prices are at an all-time high, I did some work to help control import/VAT fees you may see. After going over the customs rules, codes, etc… I have updated the products I sell with a set of product codes and values that will lower or potentially eliminate VAT import fees in your country. (These changes have been in place the last month or more already)

Every country is different in how they handle this, but for small, inexpensive items like this there were some classifications I can ship under that can remove/reduce that liability.

This could/should reduce your total costs by 10-15% depending on your country VAT structure.

As always – You pay for shipping exactly what I pay to ship these items to the .01$. I make ZERO profit on shipping internationally and have worked hard to find any loophole or way I can ship for cheaper. With that said, I hope this helps and I truly appreciate all the business from all of you!

Slight shipping delay

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Orders from the last couple days will be delayed a day or so more – I got hit by a post holiday illness, and hope to be back in action in a couple days. Sorry for any delays!

Holiday shipping / Credit Cards

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FYI, shipping may be delayed a day or two through this holiday season (from now until 1/1). Also due to mitigating some fraud attempts, I am turning off direct Credit Card processing on the site – you can still use a credit card through PayPal or Apple Pay or Google Pay. Sorry for any inconvenience, but there were some recent fraud attempts I wanted to stop.

Thanks, everyone, everywhere

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Hi folks, I wanted to say how much I appreciate the business over the last 3.5 years. Every year at this time when stuff slows down a bit (most people in the northern hemisphere slow down on their riding during the winter months… I know my motorcycle is blocked form leaving the garage by a snowbank right now) and it gives time to reflect on how much I love doing this. I’ve shipped products to every continent other than antarctica, close to 90 different countries, every US state, and I have had the pleasure of interacting with an extremely diverse group of customers from every corner of the world.

My passion for is NOT just from the business but actively helping people solve problems. I have made dozens of custom, 1 off solutions for people who came to me with very niche problems and that really is exciting work! Even if something goes wrong (shipping issues, delays, etc…) the ability to pivot, correct it, and ensure everyone gets what they paid for and expects is very rewarding. I am a 1-man shop with a full-time high-performance job outside of, and this small little business is more exciting, and more rewarding than anything I’ve done in my professional career.

Thanks to all of you for trusting in me and my little side business 🙂 And have happy holidays wherever you are and whatever you celebrate!

New Product: Ford Ranger alignment tool

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Like most things, I design and sell items I used myself or designed for my own use-cases. Generally, pain points I run into on DIY projects are not uncommon, and alignments on trucks is one. I designed and tested this new alignment tool set over a few weeks after installing some new suspension on my truck.

I was unimpressed with some of the other DIY options and guidance and wanted to design something that would be consistent, reusable, and quick to use with no modification or even removing a wheel. The setup includes a plate for taking consistent camber readings and 2 brackets for taking Toe readings.

The kit is for sale here as a prototype for now as I get feedback and refine the offering. I have a number of potential changes I want to make, but I am trying to avoid over engineering this too far 😉

Product Update: Tracer 9GT Seat Slope kit change

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As of 10/1/2024 the “standard” version of the Seat Slope kit will be discontinued, and the Pro-version will be the default version that ships. This is being done for a few reasons, but one primary reason is that it is the most popular and most versatile for riders, so I wanted to focus on that. Also to simplify product lines and streamline things here at JK3D.

As part of this I also am lowering the price of the Pro version of the seat slope kit to $28 to fall between the Standard and the Pro version costs before. So this not only focuses on the more versatile kit, but also saves you some money in the process!